Youth on a Mission for Missions

Youth on a Mission for Missions

Sunday, September 12, 2021, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

  1. Junior High and High Schoolers will meet at West Lisbon Church and walk 3 miles to Mark and Janet Long’s house. 
    Goal:  Raise $50/family to bring to the walk OR ask friends and family to pledge $10/mile for the 3 mile walk.  All donations/pledges will be sent as a gift from the WLC Youth to encourage our missionary families.
  2. We will take a hayride from Long’s to Scott and Kristin Friestad’s shed for pizza, puppy chow, grapes and drinks.
  3. Devotions by Rob to kick off our youth group year which will start on Wednesday, Sept. 15th.

Junior high parents can pick up their kids at Friestad’s at 8:00pm.
High school kids that drove to the church will be transported back to get their vehicles at the end of the event.

Any questions, contact Rob and Barb: (630) 777-5959

Spread the word and we hope to see you all there!

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