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Moses Part 2 - Safe or Good?


Series: Moses

Passage: Exodus 32:1-33:16

Speaker: Mark Johnson

Moses Part#2 - Safe or Good?

1. Some people want to worship safe gods.
Exodus 32:1–6 
Is it true that the church today, only wants Safe?
Why has the church sold its soul in order to be politically correct and culturally acceptable by building their altar to safe gods?

2.  Yet, some people desire to worship the Eternal, Mighty God, even if not safe.
Exodus 32:7–14 (ESV) 
(He is Merciful and Forgiving)
**The beauty   of/IN   the church today is that there are still people, (A Remnant) who are able to see with spiritual eyes and discernment and fervently, passionately pray for God’s Mercy ON and spiritual awakening FOR this people.

3.  The tent of Meeting. WHY?
Exodus 33:7–11 (ESV) 
This was Moses’ prayer closet.
Exodus 33:12–16 (ESV)  
Is it not in your going with us that make us distinct, I and your people, from every other people on the face of the earth?” 


*We know His Power when He travels with us.


Illus. Crocodile