Congregational Ministry
Women's Ministry
The Women’s Ministry of West Lisbon Church exists for the purpose of: encouraging women through prayer, study, ministry and services; building relationships within the body of Christ; reaching out to our community in practical ways; and most importantly, turning each one to Jesus.
President - Janet Long
Treasurer - Denise Cox
Secretary - Paige Swenson
Encouragement - Kim Britz
Condolence - Lois Whalen
Sewing - Lynn Andersen
College Care Packages - Janet Long
Altar Care, Library - Janine Johnson
Nursery Coordinator - Kelly Burks
Quilting Committee - Sue Larson
Military Packages - Gerry Black
Meal Ministry - Hannah Maxwell
Fellowship Hour - Janet Long, Melinda Seley
Women's Ministry holds their annual business meeting in November to elect officers and plan events hosted throughout the year. Some typical offerings are: all congregation potlucks, college care packages, military packages, meal ministry, church library offerings/updates, altar care, VBS, Women's Tea, Men's Breakfast and Car show, Sunday Fellowship Time Snacks, and Nursery/Toddler Care. If you are interested in any of these events/offerings take a look at the calendar to see what we have scheduled! Or contact Janet Long for more information on how you can be a blessing to Women's ministry: Janet Long (815) 922-5253.
Men's Ministry
Once a month we hold a men's breakfast on the third Saturday of the month. For more information, please check our calendar or contact Paul Zabel or Rich MickelsonMen's service events are also offered throughout the year. Check our calendar or contact Pastor Andrew for more information.