And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Luke 10:2 ESV).
WLC Missions Committee
Board of officers
Janine Johnson, Suzanne Holbrook, Christin Bodett, Kim Britz, Patti Mickelson
Vision for the Mission at WLC
At WLC, we’re committing to Jesus filling every heart, head, and hand. We know that this happens as people who love Jesus have deeper learning experiences about him and are equipped to serve him. Our missions committee aims to . . .
- Inspire involvement in missions through educational programs.
- Attract our young and old to pray, give, and go.
- Organize short-term mission experiences.
- Faithfully support, steward, and grow missionary roster.
I hope that you’ll catch the vision and be a part of what God is doing at West Lisbon and around the world!
How to Give to the Mission at WLC
Anyone can give to missions during Sunday’s offering by designating “Missions” or “Family Missions” on their check or offering envelope. Offering envelopes are located on the table in the back of the sanctuary. On the second Sunday of each month, all loose cash in the offering plate goes to missions.
Missionary Support
The F.M.F. of West Lisbon Church faithfully support the following missionaries on a monthly basis as the Lord provides through the congregation:
Will and Sarah Davidson
Asuncion, Paraguay

Will and Sarah are serving as cross-cultural teachers in Asuncion Christian Academy in Asuncion, the capitol of Paraguay. Will teaches classes of Social Studies and Bible to middle school students, while Sarah teaches first grade.
Pray for the Davidsons
- Pray that we would deeply sense God's presence and hear His voice through His Word and throughout our days, and that He would flow out of us in all that we do.
- Pray that we will acclimate well to our new life in Paraguay (forming relationships, learning Spanish and Guaraní, finding a church home, etc.).
- Pray that the COVID cases in Paraguay will continue to decline. The country still strictly enforces masking, hand-washing, and social distancing.
- For this first phase in PY, please pray that Will and Sarah will be able to immerse themselves in the culture and will be able to be truly "present" during this initial period of cultural imprinting.
Mailing Address:
Will and Sarah Davidson, MC 30063
2225 NW 70th AVE
Miami, FL 33122
John and Missy Camiola
Beautiful Feet/Voice of the Martyrs; Jos, Nigeria
John and Melissa Camiola Family serve in Jos, Nigeria with Grace Gardens. John and Missy have 9 children.
First and foremost, Missy is a servant of Jesus Christ. Her most important role in life and on the mission field is being a mother to 6 incredible children and supportive wife to her pretty awesome husband. Besides all of that, Missy is the founder and director of Grace Gardens Ministry. She spends her days doing outreach to women in the brothels and prison of Jos and she runs a halfway house for women and children. It is her passion to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others, but her real passion is sharing Christ with women for whom most people overlook. She also has a real heart to see women empowered to be all that God designed them to be.
John serves here in Nigeria in Nigeria doing business as missions. John runs Camiola Global Resources which is a business that he uses to share the gospel and to help fund the ministry of Grace Gardens. His business imports containers which helps bring out needed supplies for Grace Gardens and other ministries here in Nigeria. John is a very busy man, but he always makes time to spend with his kids. He is a man who loves the Lord first and foremost. He cares for his family well and although he looks intimidating, he has a big heart that drives him to care for others around him. He is a kid at heart who loves living in Nigeria.
Mark and Stephanie Dodrill
Youth for Christ; Barcelona, Spain
YFC began in Spain in 1948 right after the World Congress in Beatenburg. It thrived on big rallies for several years but later fell on hard times due to lack of leadership. Mark and Stephanie Dodrill were married in 1977 and first went to Spain in 1982. Later they took time to get Masters Degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary, and Mark got his doctorate from Trinity Theological Divinity School. When they returned to Spain, they were the only staff left. Stephanie tells about adopting two children and then getting pregnant with their third. In the past 20 years the ministry has grown with a new Youth Center, camp ministry, youth leader training and reaching out to start YFC in Bulgaria. They are currently experiencing the best ministry ever, with many young people coming to Christ.
Pray for the Dodrills
- Recruitment of staff and volunteers.
- Leadership guidance and decision making.
- Increased networking and relationship building with churches, individuals and organizations.
- Increased ministries in the youth center and expansion of other direct ministries.
For an overview of how God has worked for YFC Spain during the 33 years Mark and Stephanie have served there, see the following link:
Tom Stout
About tOM Stout
Tom is currently the Director of Pastor Development Program at Spoken Worldwide.
2/3 of the world’s population needs information to be spoken. Yet most of what is being offered is written. Literacy shouldn’t be a requirement to learn and receive life-saving Truth. We focus 100% on "oral culture" people. We serve them in a holistic manner as Jesus did - helping them physically and spiritually by getting practical health/water/agricultural trainings and the Gospel message to them. Oral recordings are carefully made in their rare languages so that they can know God and become a multiplying disciples. To find out more about how you can help "DELIVER TRUTH...WHERE WRITTEN WORDS CAN'T GO". For more information you can email Spoken at .
Andy and Jenny Smith
Ethnos360; Indonesia
About the Smith Family
The Smiths live and serve with one of the tribal peoples in Asia-Pacific. The tribal people they live among still believe in a complex spiritual world and live in fear of their ancestor’s spirits. Many Cults have been started in the name of “Christianity”. The main “pastor” of the area is also the leading area “witch” doctor. People are hungry for the truth, but God’s Word is not available in the tribal language. The region where the tribe is located is not very hospitable. Please pray for the Smiths’ safety and that they would be well received by the tribal people and nearby remote villages. Ask God to open doors for communication and connection to this ever-distant people group.
The tribe lives along a coast line area that is a virtual swamp, where snakes, crocodiles and malaria are extremely common. The only way in and out of their villages is by small boat. A float plane that can land on the river is also available, thanks in part to the flying services of MAF. Food and supplies for the Smiths come periodically via the float plane. The Smiths live and serve in the village full-time, along with one other American family. There is no electricity, plumbing, or clean water in the village, so the Smiths live “off-the-grid” with solar electricity. Due in part to this, they must collect, conserve and filter their own water continuously. Please keep them in your prayers for their safety from dangers in the natural habitat, as well as their health with the water issues. Especially pray for the children as they learn to adapt to such a region and yet still want to run and explore in this exciting region they now call home.
Andy and Jenny have begun the long-term process of learning the tribal language and writing it down for the first time. They will then begin the arduous task of teaching literacy throughout the village to prepare the way for Bible translation. To say this will keep them busy for the next couple of decades is an understatement! Please hold them in prayer as they reach out to and teach the 15,000 people, God’s people, who are in desperate need of Bible translation, teaching and discipleship. Pray for the wisdom, strength and patience to endure their call to duty.
If you would like to contact the Smiths so that you can learn more about their work, please contact a member of the missions committee (listed above) for Smiths’ contact information.
Address for Letters and Packages
If you would like to contact the Smiths so that you can learn more about their work, please contact a member of the missions committee (listed above) for Smiths’ contact information.