Ministry Team Description
We Are Believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Belief in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection for salvation, authenticated by baptism, is required to be a member of the worship ministry team of West Lisbon Church.
We Are Committed to Serving the Worshipping Community at West Lisbon Church.
All members of the WLC Worship Team must be active in discipleship (e.g., active in learning through Sunday School, a Community Group, or Men’s or Women’s Ministries, and active in the Sunday Worship Service). All team members should already be members or on a clear trajectory toward local church membership at WLC. Membership says “I’m committed to believing, belonging, and serving with you.” Those who lead in worship should be committed to the local church. The Worship Team Coordinator, who works closely with the Pastor, to plan worship each week must be a member of West Lisbon.
We Are Servants Not Professionals.
The talents and skills of the members of the worship ministry team will vary. The motivation for developing talents and gifts should not be professionalism, but service to the body and to God.
We Are Servants Not Performers.
Our goal is not entertainment. Our goal is worship of the true and living God. This distinction allows us to pursue excellence humbly before God and in the interest of the community.
We Are Servants of All Ages.
Our team should reflect our congregation. Our congregation is made up of worshippers of all ages. With some basic requirements in place, our ministry team should reflect those who worship in the congregation. Children and young people who are motivated to serve in the worship ministry should be willing to submit to the leadership of the worship team. This means being open to development, mentoring, and even redirection when it comes to exercising your gifts and talents in the worship ministry of the church.
We Are Servant-Leaders.
Worship ministry team members lead the church in one of its essential works—the exaltation of God. Team members should be found walking by the Spirit in holiness and not in carnal or sinful living (Gal. 5:13–26). Our style of leadership and interaction with those whom we serve should reflect the servant leadership of our Lord (Mark 10:35–45).