Good Friday and Easter
Friends of West Lisbon Church,
During my devotions, I have been spending time in the writings of the apostle Paul known as his prison epistles—Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. Specifically, I have focused on Colossians. Not that we are imprisoned, but we have been dealing with our own circumstances of isolation, cut off from life as usual. I have found Colossians to be an encouragement in every way—reminding me who I am in Christ, reminding me to give thanks for the faith and love that I hear going on in Christ’s body, reminding me to pray for you—asking God to help you walk worthy: bearing fruit, increasing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened in accordance with his glorious might for all endurance and patience with joy, and giving thanks. He has reminded me once again that Christ is preeminent in all things, having a rank high above everything because he is the Creator, the Sustainer, the Head, the Risen One, the Reconciler, and the Peacemaker. He has reminded me that Christ’s work was for me and my salvation—me, who was alienated from the life of God and hostile in mind toward God. Just as Paul found ways to continue his stewardship his ministry in the gospel during his imprisonment, so are we finding ways to make the most of our circumstances. I hear each day about how you are persevering by faith, continuing in steadfast hope during difficulties, and creating ways to love and care for one another. Like Paul, I thank God every time I hear about you and the way that you’re ministering to one another.
I hope that you have enjoyed the devotions that have gone out. I want to thank Rob and Joel for their participation—writing to turn our hearts to Christ during this week of worship. Look for one more Holy Week devotion - coming to you on Saturday morning. Below, I want to inform you about our remaining Holy Week activities.
At 7pm, I invite you to join me in a special live stream at Our focus will be The God of the Cross. I’ll share some of my favorite verses that teach us about The God of the Cross! For your own edification, I encourage you to read Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die by John Piper:
At 7am Easter morning, it’s my great joy to rise early with you for a brief devotional time on Giving Over Our Lives to the Resurrection (Matthew 16:13-28). Join us this Easter Sunrise for a Live Stream:
At 9am Easter morning, I invite to continue to join the regular Sunday worship through the West Lisbon Church Live Stream:
Easter Worship will feature two of our favorite Easter hymns and one our favorite modern worship anthems about the resurrection of Christ. Again, we’ll fellowship through a digital activity! We’ll look into the Scriptures (Matthew 28) with anticipation to be transformed by the Lord’s powerful word. Onward and upward brothers and sisters. Stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel, which is Christ in us - the hope of glory.
In Christ,
Rex J. Howe
West Lisbon Church
14381 Joliet Rd.
Newark, IL 60541
(815) 736–6331 (Call or Text)
“Rejoice in hope, endure suffering, persist in prayer” (Romans 12:12).