Tom Stout

The Gospel of Mark: The End of the Age Mark 13:1-13

The Big Gospel Story

The Big Gospel Story: Romans 1:1-17


“The Gospel of Mark: The End of the Age” Mark 13:1-4

1. The Journey of the Wise Men 2. The Tyranny of Herod 3. The Superiority of the Shepherd King

Satisfaction in Bethlehem Intro: What does it mean to be satisfied with someone or something? God was satisfied with David. - I Samuel 16: 1-13 1a. David anointed in Bethlehem. 1b. God’s satisfaction with David was based upon Who he was and not how he would fail. God’s promise to David. - 2 Samuel 7:8-17 2a. David wanted to build a temple of cedar for God. 2b. David was reminded that God prefers temples of skin. 2c. David was satisfied with God’s promises. Q. When are you most satisfied with Christ? Q. What keeps you from being satisfied? Conclusion- Are we living in such a way that proves we are satisfied with Christ’s promises?

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