Who Are You Like?

WHO ARE YOU LIKE? “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” Eph. 5:1-2, NIV 1984. I. EVERYBODY IS MIMICKING SOMEONE II. GOD’S CHILDREN SHOULD BE LIKE HIM A. BY NATURE B. BY HIS LOVE C. BY NOT WANTING TO MISREPRESENT HIM III. HOW CAN WE BE LIKE HIM? A. BY GOD’S NATURE IN US B. BY THE HOLY SPIRIT’S ASSISTANCE C. BY THE WORD OF GOD D. BY COMMUNING WITH GOD IV. THE CALL

Giving What You Have

Giving what you have. They didn't have money; what they had was the power of the Spirit.

From Images to Priests

Acts 2 From Images to Priests Illustration of powerless- I. Worship Experienced. II. Witness Employed. III. Priesthood Emerged. Illustration of a promise.

The Ascension

The Ascension Introduction - The wardrobe. I. The kingdom of Men. II. The Ascension. Acts 1-11 III. Normal Questions. IV. A Vision to be grasped. Conclusion and blessing

An Eternal Detour

An Eternal Detour Matthew 19:16-30 I. Missing the mark. II. Bad directions. III. Rechecking the Map. IV. A New destination? Closing Illus. Are you stranded on the outside looking in?

Angels in the balcony?

Matthew 18 Q. Angels in the balcony? I. Who are the Little ones? II. Returning to the value of your soul. III. Are you Critical? Illus. The Wedding Feast IV. The result of an Unforgiving Attitude. Illus. The Uras If you want to be valued in the Kingdom of God, Than be-That person who forgives, as they themselves have been forgiven

Unforeseen Light

Unforeseen Light Introductory Illustration I. Unmistakable Matthew 16:24-28 II. Unexplainable Matthew 17:1-8 III. Journey into the secret place- Grotta Azzura Conclusion 1. Do you want to catch a glimpse of the light of heaven in your secret, specially designed for you, place? 2. Do you want to know the glorified Jesus for Who He really is?

The Force Within You

The Force within You Illus. I. Back to The Journey Matthew 8- II. Dynamite on Display Matthew 9- III. He that is Greater Matthew 12- IV. The Greatest Power V. A demons Hope Conclusion Your soul, cannot and will not be VOID of a spiritual presence.

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