Abram - Abraham, the Big Picture


Motivated to be Fishers of Men

Remember Who’s in the Boat with You

Build for Eternity

The Kingdom

The Blessing

Sermon Title: The Blessing Scripture: Numbers 6:22–27 Biblical Idea: The Lord wished to impose his blessing on Israel. Timeless Truth: The Lord always wishes to bless people who will trust and obey him and his word. Today’s Message: Live eternally whole in Christ.

Persist in Prayer.

Series Title: Walk in the Light. Series Subtitle: Christ's Message for a Culture in Crisis (Studies in 1 John) Sermon Title: Persist in Prayer. Scripture: 1 John 5:14–21 Biblical Idea: John taught how to prayerfully approach sin in the believing community. Timeless Truth: Prayer is the timeless calling upon the sin-fractured community. Today’s Message: Respond to sin with prayer.

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