Perspective for 2020: Two Women, Two Songs & Christmas Woman #1: Hannah 1 Samuel 1:1-28 Song #1 Hannah's Prayer 1 Samuel 2:1-11 Woman #2 Mary Song #2 Mary's Magnificat Luke 1:46-57 Perspective to be gained 1) Magnify God’s grace 2) Meditate on His Word 3) Make known His Son

The Shepherds

1. They Listened Well 2. They overcame their fears 3. They spread the word

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Moses - Part 3 - Is It Enough?

It was enough for Moses. Is it enough for you?

Moses Part 2 - Safe or Good?

Moses Part 2 - Safe or Good?

A Voice in the Wilderness

Numbers 13:25-14:10 How should we respond when we encounter opposition and despair among the people of God? We offer: 1. A Different Perspective (13:30-33) 2. A Different Posture (14:5-6) 3. A Different Power (14:7-9)

God's Big Story..and our Part in It

God's Big Story..and our Part in It Revelation 1:4-8 I. The Picture of the GOD of the BIG STORY Rev 1:4-5a II. The "Parenthesis"-Our Part in the BIG STORY Rev 1:5b-6a III. The Preview of the Culmination of the BIG STORY Rev 1:6b-8 What is your next step in His BIG STORY right now, today?

Moses Part 1 - Willing to Risk for the Cause of Life - What are you willing to risk to lead people into life and freedom? What will you sacrifice for the offer of life?

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