The Shepherds

1. They Listened Well 2. They overcame their fears 3. They spread the word

Thanksgiving Eve Service

Moses - Part 3 - Is It Enough?

It was enough for Moses. Is it enough for you?

Moses Part 2 - Safe or Good?

Moses Part 2 - Safe or Good?

A Voice in the Wilderness

Numbers 13:25-14:10 How should we respond when we encounter opposition and despair among the people of God? We offer: 1. A Different Perspective (13:30-33) 2. A Different Posture (14:5-6) 3. A Different Power (14:7-9)

God's Big Story..and our Part in It

God's Big Story..and our Part in It Revelation 1:4-8 I. The Picture of the GOD of the BIG STORY Rev 1:4-5a II. The "Parenthesis"-Our Part in the BIG STORY Rev 1:5b-6a III. The Preview of the Culmination of the BIG STORY Rev 1:6b-8 What is your next step in His BIG STORY right now, today?

Moses Part 1 - Willing to Risk for the Cause of Life - What are you willing to risk to lead people into life and freedom? What will you sacrifice for the offer of life?

Abram - Abraham, the Big Picture

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