Life In Christ's Kingdom

Opening Illustration: The banquet, immeasurable and infinite Text- 1 John 4:7-21 Vs. 7-9 God’s love is ___________less V. 10 God’s love makes us __________less Vs. 11-17 God’s love has defeated ____________ness Gen. 1: 26,27 Vs. 18-21 God’s love commands us to be _________less Conclusion- Life in Christ’s Kingdom is based on ______________.

Test the S/spirit(s)

Biblical idea: John exhorted the church to test the spirits of bogus prophets based upon true confession and true conduct. Timeless truth: The Holy Spirit’s testimony is always compatible with the word of God. Today’s Message: Determine the genuineness of the indwelling Spirit.

Series Title: Walk in the Light. Series Subtitle: Christ's Message for a Culture in Crisis (Studies in 1 John) Sermon Title: Port your life in Christ’s light. Scripture: 1 John 2:7–17 Biblical Idea: John wrote to edify the church in the midst of a battle for true knowledge by distinguishing between the legitimate light and the disappearing darkness. Timeless Truth: Believers should always love those whom they’ve always been commanded to love. Today’s Message: Port your life in Christ’s light

Blessed Assurance . . . ?

Series Title: Walk in the Light. Series Subtitle: The Christian Message for a Culture in Crisis (Studies in 1 John) Sermon Title: Blessed Assurance . . . ? Scripture: 1 John 2:1-6 Biblical Idea: Jesus Christ secured and showed believers how to live with assurance. Timeless Truth: Obedience characteristically (not conditionally) completes assurance. Today’s Message: Trade plateaued living for the pathway of obedience.

Reflect Christ Together

June 14 Reflect Christ Together Series Title: Walk in the Light. Series Subtitle: The Christian Message for a Culture in Crisis (Studies in 1 John) Sermon Title: Reflect Christ Together. Scripture: 1 John 1:1–10 Biblical Idea: John confidently clarified the center and boundary of the Christian fellowship. Timeless Truth: Confessing Jesus illuminates our walk in this world. Today’s Message: Reflect Christ’s illuminating life in cultural crises.

Series Subtitle: 4 Truths That Liberate Christians Sermon Title: Reframing Stewardship: Our union with Christ is the situation of the Christian life. Biblical Idea: Paul showed the Philippians the guiding situation of the Christian life. TimelessTruth: Confessing "Jesus is Lord" is the deepest need of humanity and the hope of the Church. Today’s Message: Manage your heavenly citizenship to make an earthly difference.

Biblical Idea: Paul’s letter to Philemon about Onesimus presented a test case for practicing the gospel they preached. Timeless Truth: Effective Christian fellowship supersedes and changes culture. Today’s Message: Integrate the gospel into our fellowship.

Series Title: Reframing the Christian Walk Series Subtitle: 4 Truths That Liberate Christians Sermon Title: Reframing Sphere: Our union with Christ is the place of the Christian life. Scripture: Colossians 3:5–4:1, cf. 2:20 and 3:1–3 Biblical Idea: Paul commanded believers to live in the new creation that they inhabit because of their union with Christ. Timeless Truth: God’s resources available in Christ are enough to live as his new creation. Today’s Message: Live in Christ.

Biblical Idea: Paul harnessed his imprisonment to frame the substance of the Christian walk. Timeless Truth: There is no alternative to our spiritual union with Christ. Today’s Message: Walk with Christ.

Scripture: Jonah 4:1-11 Biblical Idea: God orchestrated a series of appointments to expose Jonah’s heart. Timeless Truth: God appoints circumstances to expose our fickleness or faith toward his freedom. Today’s Message: Cool off an angry heart with compassion.

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