Church Updates

Sunday Services Update

Dear West Lisbon Church,

Due to the fact that the Coronavirus has found its way to our community and in accordance with the Illinois Governor's stay-at-home order, we are holding the worship service online until further notice. We encourage you to join us at 9am on Sunday morning by clicking on the following link:

*Should you have any needs such as urgent groceries or medications, please text the church office at (815) 736-6331. We have members who are available to help you.

The Deacons at West Lisbon Church

Posted by Deacons of WLC

Church Activities Update

Dear Friends of West Lisbon Church,

Motivated by love for our community and with a desire to be wise, here are the changes that the council has agreed to make for now. We will meet again on March 30th to revisit these decisions:

Sunday Mornings
Worship Service continues at 9am as usual and will also be live streamed via YouTube. There will be no Children’s Church or nursery offered. Sunday School is on-hold for all ages.

Wednesday Evenings
Awana, FLY, and youth group are not being held for now.

Please read on for more detail from Pastor Rex and each of our ministry leaders.

From Pastor Rex on Worship Service, Adult Sunday School, and AWANA/FLY:
Rob Scott said last night in our Council Meeting that times of crisis first appear as obstacles, but as we gain the Lord’s perspective, we soon discover all the opportunities to steward our faith and fellowship in Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit’s help. So, may “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13:14) during these days. May he grant you enough peace, humility, sacrifice, and love for the common good of all (Phil. 4:4-6; 2 Tim. 1:7; 1 Pet. 5:6-8; Matt. 16:24-26; Acts 4:32).

The Sunday morning worship service will continue unchanged. While we believe we have an obligation to the Lord to open for worship, we also understand that these are unique times. In that spirit, we believe it’s also our obligation to steward the digital capabilities we now have and to provide the live stream alternative to your household. Most of all, please do not let guilt motivate any decision against your conscience. We are providing options for you; please let the Lord lead you in your decision, not guilt. I will communicate privately with worship team members about preparations. 

Regarding offerings during this time, we ask that you consider (1) dropping off your offering check at the office, (2) mailing in your offering check, or (3) signing up for online giving here—

Adult Sunday School is cancelled until further notice. Some of you have approached me about alternative ways to discuss the sermon during this time. If there is a large enough group with interest, there may be some options for that. Please contact me, through the church office (815) 736-6331 (text is fine) if you’re interested in this alternative.

AWANA and FLY are cancelled for tomorrow—Wednesday, March 18th. AWANA and FLY are already scheduled to be off during Spring Break week. For this week, Rebecca and I ask that AWANA and FLY kids complete this week’s book or journal work at home. We’ll check the work once we meet up again. For FLY, this means students should complete Week 21 Bible Discoveries. I will send out a Memory Motions video and Talk & Think Questions for you to discuss at home. Keep an eye on GroupMe, Facebook, and text messages for additional communication from Rebecca and me.

In Christ,
Pastor Rex

From: Jerry & Lois Whalen on Children's Ministry Activities and Sunday School/Nursery
Watch for a Sunday School lesson you can do with your children each Sunday! The Gospel Project has loosened their copyright restrictions and is allowing churches to share the video that goes with the lesson. Those lessons can be found on Facebook - West Lisbon Children’s Ministry. If you don’t have a Facebook page, text me, Lois, at 815-252-8979 and I can try to send it to you via email. Children’s Church will not meet. The church nursery is closed. Planning for VBS has been put on hold. We will postpone the Easter Egg Hunt until another time. If you have eggs, keep them until we can have it. We can celebrate Jesus’ resurrection any day!

From Rob Scott on JH and SH Youth Group on Wednesdays and Sunday School
Youth Group and Jr. High and Sr. High Sunday School are shut down for the next two weeks and we will update you as council and leadership determine the course of action. Barb & I and the team are considering alternative ways to minister during this time to the sometimes more than 50 students who attend Youth Group.

From Mark Johnson on Member-to-Member Care
We are very aware that many may not feel comfortable leaving their homes for any purpose. If this is you, then please let us help you. We have several who have volunteered to team-up in order to provide everything from errands to deliveries and even counsel you through anxieties. If in need of care and help, please contact Mark Johnson through the church office at (815) 736–6331.

In Christ,
WLC Council

Important Links:


Posted by Church Council

Church Services Update and Live Stream Link

Friends of West Lisbon,

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus instructs us to ask the Father to “please give us today our daily bread.” Since the outbreak of the virus, some Christian writers and thinkers have said that times like this remind us how little control we have over things. The Lord’s Prayer teaches us to rely completely on the Father for our material and spiritual needs. 

Here’s how we’re responding as a church to the public health concern: We are cancelling Sunday School tomorrow. We will still gather for worship tomorrow (Sunday 3/15) in order to have one more face to face meeting before making more detailed plans at our Council meeting on Monday. We feel this is in line with what public schools are doing - they are also meeting Monday to get things "squared away" before the big break. We'll communicate a detailed plan on Tuesday. Children’s Church will be available tomorrow.

Live stream will be available tomorrow at:

Bulletins can be downloaded here:

Church updates will be available here:

May God bless you and strengthen you.

Posted by Rex Howe
