1. From Doubting to Believing - Through silence and suffering. 2. From Waiting to Praising - Through remembrance and service 3. From Dying to Living - Through forgiveness and witness

God’s Good Things Can Come Through Surprising Ways 1. Through Surprising People 2. Through Surprising Responses 3. Through Surprising Ways A. God shows mercy to the fearful and scatters the proud B. God elevates the lowly and topples the powerful C. God satisfies the hungry and empties the rich

John the Baptist Foretold Luke 1:1-25 | December 4th, 2022 Introduction (Luke 1:1-4) Zechariah’s Story (Luke 1:5-25) When is a time when I had to wait on God? How did I grow in my dependence on God in that time?

The Context of the Gospel of Luke Matthew’s and Luke’s Genealogies Lessons about Jesus 1. Jesus the Son of Man 2. Jesus the Second Adam 3. Jesus the Son of God

And Be Thankful…

1. Thankfulness in Our Hearts 2. Thankfulness in Our Relationships 3. Thankfulness in Our Worship 4. Thankfulness in Our Lives

The Book of Ruth - Intro, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Conclusion

Onward Under Joshua

1. The Call of a Leader 2. The Task of a Leader 3. The Legacy of a Leader 4. The Hope of a Leader

Challenges with Leviticus 1. It’s mostly law, which is unappealing to most 2. It is culturally strange 3. It emphasizes ritual, which we tend to assume is meaningless 4. It’s law and teaching appear unfair or unjust 5. It’s hard to fit into the larger story of the Bible Theme Statement for Leviticus: “A holy God living in the midst of a sinful, impure people, making a way for them to be in relationship with himself and reflect his kingdom, character and glory into the world.” Ritual #1 Ransom and Purification (vs. 11-19) Ritual #2 Removal of Sin Ritual #3 Completeness More Than Just a Ritual: (Sacrifice to make it clean) Be afflicted on this day, come with repentant hearts in humility and receive forgiveness. We are finite and sinful and we must humble ourselves before God – invite God into the sinful places in our lives, cry out to Jesus to cover everything not covered. He covers all. Jesus and the Day of Atonement: Jesus is the perfect priest, the perfect sacrifice – the ultimate last and final offering that is made, that we may be a Holy people, invited into relationship with God and living on mission for God.

1. Respond to a gracious God with Grace 2. Respond to a holy God with Holiness 3. Respond to a Promise Keeping God with Hope

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