Longing for the Presence of God. Journeying to the Presence of God. Enjoying the Presence of God.

The Riddles in Life (vv. 1-9) The Fragility of Life (vv. 10-14) The Redemption of Life (v. 15) The Fears of Life (vv.16-20)

Reading the Psalms, The Way of a Life of Joy, The Doctrine of Repentance, The Way of a Life of Repentance

Verse 1: Get Separated Verse 2: Get Saturated Verse 3: Get Situated Verses 4-6: BE THE TREE, NOT THE CHAFF

1. People were not made for the Sabbath. 2. The Sabbath was made for people. 3. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath.

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