Israel’s Fall

1. What is one new thing you learned about the book of Hosea? 2. What is one way you could change your life in the coming week in light of this sermon? 3. Who is one person you could share an encouragement from this sermon with this week?

1. The Life of a Cynic 2. The Life of Prayer 3. What is one step you will take this week to foster your own life of prayer?

1. Acknowledge our own need 2. Acknowledge God’s promise keeping 3. Acknowledge the gravity of one’s task 4. Acknowledge God as the source of wisdom 5. Acknowledge God’s blessings in your life

The Sin Spiral Neglecting purpose & responsibility Allows sin to grow in his heart & mind Act out on sinful desires Sin begets more sin Conscience becomes scared The Grace Spiral God intervenes Grace breaks through True Repentance is confessed God’s justice remains

1. Israel Rejects God and Demands a King 2. Samuel Anoints Saul as King 3. God Appoint Saul as King 4. Doubting the King

John’s ministry (the setting, the mission, the message), the people’s response (questions, speculation, rejection) and the superiority of Jesus.

Luke 2:22-40 captures the story of an amazing prophecy about Jesus. Learn from Simeon and Anna on how to prepare for God to do a work through you. We prepare for this by pursuing righteousness, being devoted to the task, listening to the Spirit, and praying and fasting daily.

Luke 2:1-21 tells of the shocking story of Jesus' birth and the response of the community, the shepherds, and his mother Mary. How will you respond to this story?

1. From Doubting to Believing - Through silence and suffering. 2. From Waiting to Praising - Through remembrance and service 3. From Dying to Living - Through forgiveness and witness

God’s Good Things Can Come Through Surprising Ways 1. Through Surprising People 2. Through Surprising Responses 3. Through Surprising Ways A. God shows mercy to the fearful and scatters the proud B. God elevates the lowly and topples the powerful C. God satisfies the hungry and empties the rich

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