Reading the Psalms, The Way of a Life of Joy, The Doctrine of Repentance, The Way of a Life of Repentance

Verse 1: Get Separated Verse 2: Get Saturated Verse 3: Get Situated Verses 4-6: BE THE TREE, NOT THE CHAFF

1. People were not made for the Sabbath. 2. The Sabbath was made for people. 3. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath.

We Reconnect with God through Jesus, We Reconnect with God as children, We Rest with God as children, We Rest with God through Jesus

Living in a Material World, Living in a Kingdom World

Garden, Tree of Life, Living Water, Wilderness, Serpent, Seed, Mountain, Priest, Temple

1. Jesus is ruling the universe. 2. & 3. Jesus is sending out the gospel and saving sinners. 4. Jesus is interceding on your behalf. 5. Jesus is overseeing the church.

Holy Week, Waiting, Pentecost, Church, Mission

The Race, The Obstacles, The Discipline, The Victory.

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