How it started: Repentance, Baptism, Forgiveness, The Holy Spirit. How it's Going: Apostles' Teaching, Fellowship, Breaking Bread, Prayer, Spirit-Moving, Generosity, Worship, Evangelism.
Five Provisions of the Counselor, the Holy Spirit | How do we hear from the Holy Spirit?
1. The third day He rose again from the dead 2. He ascended into heaven 3. He sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty 4. From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead
Community, Rootedness, Equilibrium, Encouragement, Dogma 1. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, our Lord, 2. Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary 3. He descended into hell. 4. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and buried. 5. Hebrews 2:14-18
Why the Creed? C R E E D 1. I Believe (Matthew 10) 2. In God the Father (Psalm 103) 3. In God the Almighty (Psalm 104) 4. Maker of Heaven and Earth Final Question
The Community of Saints Colossians 4:7-18 July 24 th , 2022 1. The Church values a. Tychius b. Onesimus c. Demas d. Mark 2. The Church values a. Aristichus b. Justus c. Luke 3. The Church values a. Epaphras b. Nympha c. Archippus 4. Remember! Christ above All!
1. Remembering has a definitive purpose. 2. Remember that the scriptures are God's self-disclosure. 3. Remember, because we are prone to become prideful. 4. Remember so the next generation will live. 5. Remember, we serve a God of new beginnings.
Step 1: Walk in the Way of Wisdom Step 2: Make the Most of Time Time under the sun Time under God Step 3: Season Your Speech Graciousness: Salt:
Before we meet Christ we are rough, jagged, different from a life in Christ. As we spend more time in the Word, in prayer, and in community with other believers and are immersed in that life we are smoothed a little more becoming something different. The more time we spend with Christ the more like Him we become. Our jagged edges are worn away, our thoughts and actions become more in line with his. Christ wants your life to transform you. He wants to transform your marriage, your parenting, and your worklife. He doesn’t want parts of you, He wants it all so he can transform it all. The more access he has to all parts of our life, the more we can impact people for him. Those close to use in our homes, and those we come in contact with daily in our work. If you are keeping parts of your life from him, pray for help to open those areas up and change those parts to be more in line with the Spirit. If you are struggling at home, reach out to believers who’ve been there or seek help. Christ is the key to change in your life, there is no self-help book that will change your home, but there is a book that can teach you to become more like the one who created marriage. Access it daily, to take away the rough edges of your life.
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