Challenges with Leviticus 1. It’s mostly law, which is unappealing to most 2. It is culturally strange 3. It emphasizes ritual, which we tend to assume is meaningless 4. It’s law and teaching appear unfair or unjust 5. It’s hard to fit into the larger story of the Bible Theme Statement for Leviticus: “A holy God living in the midst of a sinful, impure people, making a way for them to be in relationship with himself and reflect his kingdom, character and glory into the world.” Ritual #1 Ransom and Purification (vs. 11-19) Ritual #2 Removal of Sin Ritual #3 Completeness More Than Just a Ritual: (Sacrifice to make it clean) Be afflicted on this day, come with repentant hearts in humility and receive forgiveness. We are finite and sinful and we must humble ourselves before God – invite God into the sinful places in our lives, cry out to Jesus to cover everything not covered. He covers all. Jesus and the Day of Atonement: Jesus is the perfect priest, the perfect sacrifice – the ultimate last and final offering that is made, that we may be a Holy people, invited into relationship with God and living on mission for God.

1. Respond to a gracious God with Grace 2. Respond to a holy God with Holiness 3. Respond to a Promise Keeping God with Hope

1. Call to Faith 2. Life of Faith 3. Persevere in Faith

God’s Good Creation Review: Loss of Peaceful Childbearing Loss of Peace with Each Other Loss of Peaceful Work Loss of Peace with Creation Loss of Peaceful Life Loss of Peace with God Glimpses of Hope: Jesus. Live in the power of Jesus Christ. God, help us to walk in faith/obedience. If God were to gaze in our hearts, what would we say? Are we hopeless?

God's Good Creation

Reading Genesis Well (Authorship, Recipients, Purpose). Chapters 1-11: What we learn about God, What we learn about ourselves

One Redemptive Story

Jesus Christ the Center of the Story

We Believe… Exploring the Apostles’ Creed 6 of 6 – “The Gospel” 1 Corinthians 15 September 11th, 2022 Problem: We think too little of resurrection (1 Cor. 15:12-19) I believe in the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the live everlasting. Amen! The Daily Gospel (1 Cor. 15:1-11) The Resurrection Body (1 Cor. 15:42-49) The Coming Victory (1 Cor. 15:50-57) Response: Excel in the Lord’s work (1 Cor. 15:58)

How it started: Repentance, Baptism, Forgiveness, The Holy Spirit. How it's Going: Apostles' Teaching, Fellowship, Breaking Bread, Prayer, Spirit-Moving, Generosity, Worship, Evangelism.

Five Provisions of the Counselor, the Holy Spirit | How do we hear from the Holy Spirit?

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